MS Can Be a Kids’ Disease, Too

MS Can Be a Kids’ Disease, Too


“The age at which a person is diagnosed with MS is usually between 20 and 50, according to the National Multiple Sclerosis Society. But it can be diagnosed in people much younger. In fact, of the estimated 400,000 people with MS in the United States, 8,000-10,000 are under 18 years old.”

  • “Emily started by trying to connect on Facebook with people who were under 18 and living with MS. She then connected with the National MS Society to create a Facebook group for MS youngsters. A few kids joined and young MS patients continue to find their way, periodically.
  • Emily travels to MS events to connect with young MS patients and to help them connect with each other. She created a stuffed monkey named Oscar to travel with her to represent all young people with MS. She then created an Oscar the MS Monkey Facebook page”

– “Emily and Oscar aren’t the only ones concerned with pediatric multiple sclerosis. The Pediatric MS Alliance (PMSA) has a membership of over 500, made up primarily of the parents and caretakers of young MS patients. The PMSA has a closed Facebook group and a website.

Read the entire article here…

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